среда, 8. децембар 2010.

Biljeska stena

One of the best view points in Serbia is Biljeska stena, placed in National park Tara. Visitors can see river Drina which divide Serbia and Bosnia, and wonderful Perucac Lake.

USA bombed Serbia and Belgrade in 1999. The bombs destroyed some buildings completely. Ten years later, some of ruins are not repared and replaced and many tourists come there to take a photos.

петак, 19. новембар 2010.

Serbian Monasteries

Serbia, thousand years old, has a lot of historic monuments (some of them are included in the UNESCO world culture heritage list). These Serbian monuments are from different historic epochs: pre-historian finds, from the Ancient Greek times, Roman fortresses and palaces, historical monuments from the time of the medieval and the modern Serbian Kingdom, ethnographic reserves.

The hundreds of monasteries, which still fascinate the guests with rich history and beautiful nature surrounding, have preserved the national spirit over the turbulent centuries in Serbian history. In the centuries of Turkish national domination, the religion was a factor for the Serbian people in saving them from the assimilative policy of the conquerors.

Brilliant examples of medieval art were preserved in them, especially in monasteries: Sopocani, Mileseva and Zica.

The Sopoćani monastery is an endowment of King Stefan Uroš I of Serbia. It was built in the 13th century, near city of Ras (today Novi Pazar), the centre of the Serbian medieval state. The church is dedicated to the Holy Trinity. The frescoes of Sopoćani are considered as the most beautiful of that period.

The tourists can see unique samples of the medieval Serbian fresco-painting. Many towns and villages offer the possibility to feel the Serbian Renaissance in combination with excellent conditions for recreation and tourism. Ethno lovers can enjoy the rich in cultural events folklore calendar, including traditional holidays and customs, related to the Serbian way of life and culture.

The Serbian monasteries were centers of enlightenment and culture in these difficult times. Each of them has its own appearance and intriguing story but they all keep the Serbian spirit and faith.

Serbia Tourism

Welcome to Serbia to explore wild lakes and forests untouched by the human hand where you can see local wildlife and listen to the bird singing. Serbia has ideal places for nature holiday. The landscape varies greatly from flat in north to beautiful rolling hills in the south. South-western Serbia is almost 60% forest, mostly pine.

There are 5 National Parks in Serbia which offer numerous holiday accommodation options. Two of them, Tara and Djerdap are home to a number of spectacular scenic lookouts. There are a lot of nature reserves where people often go to enjoy in untouched nature, clear lakes and rivers and see wildlife in its natural habitat. It is the magic experience to see griffon vulture in its natural habitat in Uvac Canyon.

Get away from the busy city life and enjoy the fresh air and beautiful landscape or meet the local wildlife. There are many mountains, lakes and swamps in Serbia and 350 species of birds. You can to pick the juicy berries and delicious mushrooms, go swimming in a lake with crystal clear water or take a walk along the limestone cliff.

Serbia offers a rich tapestry of tourist attractions and vacation experiences unique in Europe: the world-famous medieval monasteries in Raska, traditional villages, the romantic Danube, castles, the ski resorts, spas, the majestic mountains, and much more.

There are a lot of villages in the mountains where you can taste traditional Serbian food and drinks. If you really would like to discover Serbia, you should go on holiday to rural Serbia.

петак, 5. новембар 2010.

Mountain Zlatibor

Zlatibor is a beautiful mountain placed in the western part of Serbia. The highest peak is Tornik at 1496 m above sea level. It is characterized by a cool mountain climate, clean air and long periods of sunshine during the summer. Tourist facilities include a lot of hotels, private accommodation, holiday centers and cottages, sports grounds and skiing.

Zlatibor is a popular mountain resort area in south-western Serbia. It is incredible beautiful mountain, bounded on the by Mount Tara and Veliki Rzav River on the south. Eastern Zlatibor is best known by its village Sirogojno where is placed The Old Village Museum and it collects the old houses from all over Zlatibor making a small village of them. Not far from Sirogojno, there is a village Mackat, famous by kind of very delicious dry meat (Serbian: prsuta). Central part of Zlatibor is region of friendly people, old wooden churches and fast mountain rivers. Center of western Zlatibor is village Kremna, place where the famous prophets from the Tarabic faimly lived. Close to Kremna, popular railway museum is placed, called the Sargan Eight because old railway looks like the number eight.


понедељак, 20. септембар 2010.

Regions in Serbia

Serbian regions Thanks to the different regional history, each Serbian region has its own unique character. Each is a whole new story in which you will discover not only different architectural styles but also a very different lifestyle. Local traditions and mentalities are clearly reflected everywhere - in the shops, the restaurants and the way people work and live.

Visit the beautiful Southwest of Serbia with mountains like Zlatibor, Tara and Jadovnik. There are a lot of attractions there: caves, waterfalls, crystal clear rivers and lakes, ethno villages, fortresses (in ruin), National Park Tara and interesting wildlife. In the western part cities still have some Turkish influence, visit Valjevo and old downtown named Tesnjar. In the plain of North Serbia, cities have Germans influence: the biggest is Novi Sad. Also, tourists usually visit Subotica and Bela Crkva. East Serbia is different story. There are a lot of Romanian people, different tradition and music. You can find there untouched forests, a lot of caves and canyons, different unusual natural attractions, Danube River, many archaeological sites.